Hi, I'm Rhys Elliott.

I am a 3rd year student currently studying Computer Games Programming at Stafforshire University. I have a particular interest in graphics programming and I am currently working on a PBR renderer in Vulkan. I am learning to use modern commericial game engines such as Unity and Unreal Engine 5 with C++ and C#. I also have experience with Vulkan, DirectX11, OpenGL, HLSL and GLSL. I have explored various aspects of real-time rendering including: todo


Cover photo for D3D11 project

D3D11 Project

A custom rendering pipeline in D3D11 featuring.

Cover photo for Midnigt Taxi

Midnight Taxi

A horror-narrative UE5 game produced in a collaborative team.

Cover photo for Custom Physics Engine Project

Custom Physics Engine

Physics engine featuring OBB collisions, particle system and springs.

Vulkan PBR Project

An ongoing personal project to develop a PBR rendering pipeline in Vulkan

OpenGL Project

A visual project developed with the use of OpenGL 1.1, freeGLUT and GLM

Cover photo for all my projects

All Projects

A list of all my completed projects

Contact Me

Email: contact@rhyselliott.com


Rhys Elliott 2023. contact@rhyselliott.com